Update Logs
Added create menu Lap Vehicle Changing > Random Vehicle > Not Repeated checkbox.
Added ability end race by countdown timer.
Added reset setting default button to race menu.
Added dynamic map list changing by mode selected.
Added XY Transform world and relative to PointMarker > Checkpoint Override.
Added Gizmos to PointMarker > Prop Override for better way to moving props.
Added Gizmos to PointMarker > Checkpoint Override for better way to moving checkpoints.
Added PointMarker > Checkpoint > Distance separate from checkpoint size radius.
Added multi type right text of player list.
Added HUD Current Best Lap separate from Personal Best Lap
Added config for custom Z Scoreboard row display text.
Added PointMarker Placement > Props > Speed Pad Intensity for Stunt Special category.
Added PointMarker import map data from Rockstar UGC image URL.
Added PointMarker > Placement > Vehicles and Peds.
Added PointMarker > Placement > Props object searcher.
Added PointMarker starting grid support team mode.
Added PointMarker checkpoint support custom zone.
Added preload handle to preload models in any menu list.
Added config_facetoface.lua
Added html color picker.
Added Config.Menu.PointMarkerProps for custom Category and Type of PointMarker placement props.
Added lobby menu Spacebar key to toggle map panel.
Improved a lot of code structure (cause of new bugs).
Improved create menu Available Vehicle now work with Random Vehicle Per Lap and checkpoint transform random in race class.
Improved PointMarker > Checkpoint Override can press select to teleport to current selected Checkpoint ID and Split Way.
Improved transform to parachute velocity.
Improved pickup ability by store the last picked insert of store every pickup.
Improved custom player vehicle class checker sp from native GTAV class.
Improved vote menu by apply vehicle image in vehicle list.
Improved race total timer and best lap timer by calculate from server side.
Improved race duration countdown timer by sync for player join after start and sync every 10 second.
Improved race intro allow other mode change intro text.
Improved race lobby pause menu allow other mode change player row color.
Improved end screen result and support team mode.
Improved Z Scoreboard to open faster.
Improved voting menu.
Improved clear traffic light, sign object by pre scanning area.
Improved checkpoint warped system.
Improved vehicle xenon lights color to custom color.
Improved menu list able to select to open list selector.
Update ScaleformUI faster Leaderboard, refresh lobby menu player list without restart menu.
Fixed join race with sitting on vehicle error if player have high latency.
Fixed menu add more class but config class is a string not table.
Fixed respawn to checkpoint error while got kicked by AFK.
Fixed Z Scoreboard player Mugshot for player who out of OneSync rage (onesync_distanceCulling true).
Updated default vehicle class to lasted GTAV update.
Removed DarkRP_Racing_Banner.ytd file.
Changed PointMarker > Placement > Props > Snapping Options to Looping Options
Added PointMarker delete options menu.
Added PointMarker Stunt Jump menu.
Added PointMarker > Prop menu Firework configurable.
Added PointMarker > Prop menu Alarm prop configurable.
Added PointMarker > Prop menu Cycle Items.
Added PointMarker > Checkpoint menu Cycle Items.
Added PointMarker Fixture menu Cycle Items.
Added PointMarker Placement category.
Added PointMarker > Checkpoint transform vehicle to owner vehicle.
Added personal race setting quick chat.
Added map note to description of race create menu.
Added support addon mode.
Added support addon translate.
Added Config.Menu and change some Config.Game to Config.Menu
Added Config.Menu.DisableLeaderboard Disable leader board in race menu.
Added Config.Menu.TabInfo.Enable to disable information in race menu.
Added Config.Game.DisableRespawnSound
Added Config.Game.DisableAntiKnockedOffVehicle Vehicle is hit hard and the player will be knocked off.
Added Config.Vehicle.ErrorModel If vehicle model in map file could not be found will be replaced with this.
Added Config.Game.ScaleformRequestTimeout Request scaleform timeout if not loaded.
Added Config.Game.Hud.FontRank.
Added Config.Game.Hud.FontSpeeddo.
Added command darkrp_pointmarker_updatemapsformat to update all map formats up to date.
Added vehicle transformed as ghost.
Added new 5 stunt maps.
Added Only Vehicle List (For use only vehicle in list on map), Block Vehicle List (For block vehicle in list on map) on PointMarker.
Added Allow Traffic Props (For allow props in Config.Game.RoadTrafficNSignProps on map) on PointMarker.
Added event handle "DarkRP_Racing:OnPointMarkerUnLoaded".
Added Config.Game.DisableKeepLobbyAlive.
Added exports support from DarkRP_Racing for other script, can find it in "config/client/event.lua".
Added network physic moveable object by spawn on server side.
Added firework particle effect.
Added prop speedup blink effect.
Added create menu map selector add favorite map.
Added create menu Available Vehicle in Advance Vehicle Setting.
Added create menu vehicle preview.
Added create menu lobby name.
Added create menu Advance Vehicle Setting > More Class.
Added event TriggerEvent("DarkRP_Racing:ForceOpenPersonalVehicleMenu") to open Personal Vehicle Menu every where.
Fixed Destroy Last Place mode crash on end screen.
Fixed one player collected pickup to all players.
Fixed not ready player started race have no vehicle name on end scoreboard.
Fixed Checkpoint Route on map display.
Fixed destroy last place mode timer error when spectator come in.
Fixed race start race countdown player sync.
Fixed map file force vehicle on Personal Vehicle Menu.
Fixed create menu DNF value not save on client.
Fixed transform to Helicopter speed.
Fixed PointMarker can't create checkpoint transform to Parachute.
Fixed PointMarker error if player have no owner default map.
Fixed PointMarker add secondary transform checkpoint vehicle model error.
Fixed transform to Parachute don't use ApplyForceToEntityCenterOfMass() if near the ground.
Fixed race type Transform can't select vehicle in own class.
Fixed respawn ghost collision while players respawn as the same time.
Fixed Random Vehicle Per Lap to get more random class if add more class to race.
Fixed Personal Vehicle Menu if many vehicle in list will get crash
<<unknown pool>> Pool Full, Size == 200
.Fixed Personal Vehicle Menu if many vehicle in list will get network overflow.
Changed current pickup to last collected.
Changed race pause menu spectator button order top leave button.
Changed example code of event.calculateReward().
Changed lobby menu color style.
Changed create menu move some vehicle setting to Advance Vehicle Setting.
Changed config Personal Vehicle to server side.
Changed don't insert race record if player vehicle class not match race class.
Changed allow use any class getting in the own vehicle before the lobby starts.
Changed Personal Vehicle Menu vehicle select list to table.
Improved auto calculate finished line camera position.
Improved PointMarker > Fixture Remover.
Improved PointMarker > Props by give name to new update Props.
Optimized map object by delete it when player far away.
Optimized by delete players vehicle when player leave server or race.
Updated exist maps object to Rockstar color.
Added create menu > leader board menu.
Added create menu > information menu.
Added props Air Speed and Checkpoint Ring.
Added Checkpoint blip heading indicator.
Added stream/DarkRP_Racing_Banner.ytd for easy other update.
Added join after start notification.
Added new best lap and world record notification with end game scoreboard star.
Added quick chat (Hold Q, LB)
Added command darkrp_hardreset (For any bug).
Added end game scoreboard display other player XP earn.
Fixed menu loading image preview url.
Fixed map creator name with Double Quote character
Fixed game crash with wrong vehicle model.
Fixed MySQL get best lap data.
Fixed use personal vehicle by getting in before race start.
Fixed join as spectator mode before all player ready.
Fixed debug print model not found nil value.
Fixed object model Hexadecimal number error (0x).
Fixed import ymap rotation issue.
Changed spectator function SetGameplayCamFollowPedThisUpdate() to NetworkSetInSpectatorMode()
Changed BeginTextCommandBusyspinnerOn to Alertbox
Changed Wrong Way don't auto respawn.
Changed DNF place count to player finished percent.
Changed Config.EndScreen.XP.GetXpGained to Config.EndScreen.XP.GetXPGained
Changed Config.EndScreen.XP.GetXpBeforeGain to Config.EndScreen.XP.GetXPBeforeGain
Changed client Config.EndScreen.XP.GetXPGained to server event.rewardCalculate
PointMarker show starting grid ID, insert starting grid, delete single starting grid.
PointMarker check typing model does exist (transform, force vehicle).
PointMarker fix refresh checkpoint for spillways > 2.
PointMarker full support Xbox Controller.
PointMarker add prop list Summer Update.
PointMarker press Enter for edit value in Props > Advanced Option > Prop Override
PointMarker add Props > Advanced Option > Prop Override > Opacity.
PointMarker add Props > Advanced Option > Prop Override > Visible.
PointMarker add Props > Advanced Option > Prop Override Reset.
PointMarker add Props > Advanced Option > Prop Move.
PointMarker fix Prop Override edit rotation.
PointMarker can export to other file format.
PointMarker fix starting grid for vehicle "Dune".
Improved lobby UI.
Spectator mode add checkpoint blip heading indicator.
Spectator mode set minimap as vehicle view.
Spectator mode display Speedometer.
Spectator mode sync hud with target player.
Mode Destroy Last Place hide HUD World Record.
Disable create menu collision for mode Parkour, Face to Face.
Command darkrp_pointmarker bypass map owner permission.
Auto sync race time HUD for join as spectator mode.
Optimized cpu usage.
Rework Vehicle Max Modification.
Personal Vehicle Menu auto save with any change.
Sync spectator who watching HUD.
Sync race time for join after race start player.
Clean install DarkRP_Racing folder and edit all config again
Update ArenaAPI
Update ArenaLobby
Update RageUI
Update critLobby
Fixed Config.Game.RoadTrafficNSignProps remove .xml props.
Fixed load map data from server missing part.
Fixed winner leave game before race end.
Fixed starting grid at same place.
Fixed group best lap record, no more same player at top.
Fixed personal vehicle menu vehicle camera view mode alway farthest.
Fixed Scoreboard highlight self row on page > 1
Fixed Scoreboard player mugshot spectator mode.
Optimized cpu usage
HUD spectator watching you counter.
HUD set Join As Spectator to gray on scoreboard.
HUD display player rank on Spectator mode scoreboard.
HUD hide time different scoreboard for lobby allow join after start.
Network reduce package size for UpdateRank event.
Network rework method Spectator teleport to player when out of rage of OneSync.
Network reduce package size Race Menu loading update for server have many custom map.
Network reduce package size of PointMarker save.
Network change event to TriggerLatentServerEvent() and TriggerLatentClientEvent() for best connection.
PointMarker add Race Details > Description.
PointMarker add Fixture Remover.
PointMarker can remove single Starting Grid.
PointMarker saving prompt for waiting callback save done from server.
PointMarker add Details > Xero Blimp Message for support map with Xero Blimp Sign.
Vote Menu host can press ESC to close menu for leave lobby.
Create Menu add Keep Lobby Alive checkbox.
Rework Spectator Mode and Z Scoreboard.
Cross arms idle animation while loading vehicle.
Adjust map stunt-spinner checkpoint.
Added config Config.RecordsBestLapTimeByMap
Added Config.Game.Mode for disable mode select.
Remove RegisterCommand('+, -') for chat spam.
Flashing HUD while rank changing red blue color.
Mode parkour disable wrong way warning.
AlertBox for joining as spectator screen.
Faster respawn time.
Faster load image preview url.
Changed DarkRP_Racing/fxmanifest.lua
Changed DarkRP_Racing/config
Update ArenaAPI
Update ArenaLobby
Update RageUI
Update critLobby
Fixed Z Scoreboard rank number on page more than 1.
Fixed spam Gain 1st Place notification.
Fixed auto checkpoint arrow by Previous-Next checkpoint angle.
Fixed speedometer position for big radar.
Optimized preview image from url.
Create menu add race mode select (Stunt Racing, Destroy Last Place, Face to Face, Parkour).
Create menu add option Catch Up.
Press Z for Scoreboard, Hold Z for big map, doesn't automatically close until pressed again.
Rework collision handle by ghost mode.
Allow player can join lobby after start as spectate mode.
Reduce script file size for servers with many custom maps, by download map data from server when open race menu.
Fixed duplicate create menu.
Display rank above player head, rank higher than you is red color.
Display ghost mode above player head.
Keep hold respawn key to respawn.
PointMarker add checkpoint Warp & Transform.
PointMarker Transform Checkpoint can random vehicle in class lobby setting by put "random".
Auto remove player name emoji for MySql error.
Added Personal Vehicle menu for racing tuning and save.
Command darkrp_savevehicle for save RP vehicle to Personal Vehicle
Changed fxmanifest.lua
Changed DarkRP_Racing/config
Update ArenaAPI
Update ArenaLobby
Update RageUI
Fixed vehicle random speedup when transforming.
Fixed Rundown Lap Vehicle random as before.
Fixed game crash when delete road props.
Fixed No Collision camera closer when vehicle overlap.
Fixed Z Scoreboard player time different.
Fixed player rank update network spam.
Sync map save file for all client without restart script.
Can Car Burnout before countdown.
Bypass server entity lockdown (sv_entityLockdown).
Config road traffic and sign props.
Config load map timeout for player load map long time (Slow PC)
Config follow camera pitch when vehicle flipping on prop.
Create room notification after done create race menu.
Auto remove empty vehicle in lobby.
Added best lap to End Race Result.
Hud display rank on blip and player head name.
PointMarker allow other player can create own map in ArenaLobby.
PointMarker convert checkpoint, starting grid, pickup from Job Editor automatically.
PointMarker add Pickup Repair, Weapon.
PointMarker can spawn object by Hash or Model Name.
PointMarker allow upload XML plane text for create map.
PointMarker force map can use only vehicle.
PointMarker can use image URL for reduce DarkRP_Racing.ytd file size.
PointMarker allow map can get out of vehicle.
PointMarker allow map can use weapon in vehicle.
PointMarker allow player can join lobby after lobby started.
PointMarker optimize network overflow when save map data to server.
PointMarker can create Air Checkpoint for Regular Style.
PointMarker can make transform checkpoint random vehicle is class.
Create menu add DNF select number.
Create menu add Slowdown Collision
Create menu add Order Lap Vehicle.
Create menu add Search map.
Allow everyone to use command Config.AllowCommandPointmarker by empty table.
Allow everyone to use command Config.AllowCommandEndgame by empty table.
Scoreboard away show in spectator mode.
Scoreboard hide player finished in spectator mode.
Fixed spectator mode sound checkpoint issue for more than 1 lap.
Fixed AFK in spectator mode.
Hotfix PointMarker starting grid issue.
Permission command can use any identifier (steam, license, xbl, live, fivem).
Renew end game screen scoreboard (Update config/client/translate.lua).
Config respawn cinematic camera enable.
Config permission command darkrp_pointmarker.
Config permission command darkrp_endgame.
Config start race and random lap with vehicle boot enable.
Create menu traffic control.
Config DNF countdown timed.
Fixed follow vehicle flip camera issue.
Warning: config folder change.
Fixed end screen xp progress make game crash.
Fixed create new map xml referent coords warning.
Fixed spectator game camera issue.
Slipstream time notification.
Player gain 1st place notification.
Player is now spectating notification.
Added Speedometer HUD.
RangeUI will make game crash for PointMarker, please update it.
Type command darkrp_pointmarker followed by the name of the new map to create a new map.
Race game handle pickup ability (Boosts, Rockets) (Press E).
Added slipstream sound.
PointMarker add Prop Editor.
PointMarker add Pickup Editor.
PointMarker display direction arrow on override position checkpoint and prop.
PointMarker display vehicle status on Race Details - Available Vehicle.
PointMarker hide health and armour status bar.
Changed race intro and end result background to native GTA:O scaleform.
Changed sound effect to native GTA:O.
Trick: For map route type point to point, can use warp checkpoint to start a new lap.
MySql is optional for time record.
Auto MySql table update for other database update.
Added server config for own world racing.
critScaleforms not required any more.
Fixed spectating player can visible.
Fixed spectator mode checkpoint.
Ready menu display more race setting info.
Faster cut scene before race start.
Fixed out of range OneSync Infinity issue.
New end game result and cut scene.
Update own vehicle modification Game Build 2699.
Display best lap of class while loading map.
Added handle for ramp stunt cam Press INPUT_VEH_GRAPPLING_HOOK.
Added handle for DNF.
Added handle for player or vehicle death wasted screen.
Added handle suicide and kill notification.
Transform smoke color depend on vehicle color.
Transform, Warp checkpoint sound and smoke sync network.
Support Xbox controller input and help notification.
Fixed radio interrupt when transforming or respawn.
Hold INPUT_ENTER for respawn to checkpoint.
Press INPUT_HUD_SPECIAL for special HUD.
Hold INPUT_HUD_SPECIAL for big map.
Preload next vehicle model before transforming.
PointMarker add photo mode for take screenshot.
PointMarker starting point grid editor.
PointMarker add checkpoint override menu.
PointMarker can render checkpoint long distance.
HUD add world record display.
HUD add player stamina for Bicycle and Parachute.
HUD solo no display rank.
HUD one lap no display current lap time.
Create menu add slipstream checkbox.
Create menu add custom vehicle checkbox.
Config change menu default radio.
Performance optimization.
Added race create Free For All class.
Use own vehicle wrong class message.
Config end screen background type (Vehicle, Players)
Fixed memory leak.
Resmon 0.0ms on no race.
Clear traffic light, hydrant object in race.
Press Z show more info, Best lap, Current lap, Other player time scoreboard.
Added transform parachute type.
Disable voice chat in race.
Remove player helmet on Motorcycles and Plane.
Fixed transform and respawn Plane, Helicopter propeller slow.
Faster scoreboard showup.
Remove player blip and name tag after race done.
Hide all other script blip before race.
Anti script seatbelt ragdoll.
PointMarker add checkpoint warp type.
PointMarker floating tooltip.
PointMarker change marker model to GTAV:O style.
PointMarker fix marker on water
PointMarker add roll degree check for Plane.
PointMarker change checkpoint force direction way to set direction easier.
Vehicle class in the map file is just the default class. Player can change to other classes in race create menu.
Player can use own vehicle by sit in vehicle before race starting.
Fixed vehicle vector physics when Transforming.
Fixed camera when vehicle is vertical.
Performance optimization.
Support multi language using client game display setting 1.
Vehicle respawn will flashing and no collection.
Race create menu add weather, time and radio.
Auto arrow add more for checkpoint when nex checkpoint far away.
Hud display rank realtime.
Auto kick from race when player AFK.
UI and HUD adjustable by game Safezone 1.
Fixed PontMarker splitway checkpoint can’t change Size and Usez
PointMarker 1 menu redesign.
Added MapMarker Tool.
All DLC need to be update too.
Support 8 split way.
Fixed deadloop.
Fixed spectator mode flashing screen.
Wait map loaded before player Ready.
Display all checkpoint in spectator mode.
Custom track support .xml format is Map Editor 1, Object Spooner, Menyoo, ymap
Support DarkRP_XP rank system, display rank menu, xp reward.
Config custom vehicle class.
Config key for respawn to checkpoint.
Menu class vehicle select list.
Menu random vehicle per lap.
Better spectate mode.
Last updated