
Main Config

-- Enable debug make sure FiveM client is "Beta Channel" in setting to use more dev command.
-- Enter race faster by skip intro
-- Skip all cutscene
-- Test map 1-test will enable.
Config.Debug = false
Config.BypassRoutingBucketEntityLockdownMode = false -- Bypass SetRoutingBucketEntityLockdownMode(1, "strict") or "sv_entityLockdown strict"

Config.MinPlayers = 2 -- Minimum of player to allow counwdown (Set to 1, Trial mode will enable).
Config.LobbyTime = 30 -- Countdown timer to start race if minimum player reached Config.MinPlayers. (Second)
Config.ArenaTime = 120 -- Duration in race game before room auto close. (Minute)
Config.OwnWorld = true -- Race in another world. Participants and the non participants will not see each other.
Config.KickNotReady = true -- Kick player who not ready while host press play the race.
Config.KickAFK = true -- KLick player who away from keyboard more than 2 minute
Config.RecordsBestLapTimeByMap = false -- By default records use map and class for get records, set to true for use only map.
Config.EndGameDNFTimed = 5 -- Countdown timer of DNF, start contdown when finish line reached DNF setting number. (Second)

Config.AllowCommandPointmarker = { -- darkrp_pointmarker command, empty table this for allow everyone.
	"steam:11000010971396e", -- steamID64 (Hex)
	"steam:11000010572b40c", -- steamID64 (Hex)

Config.AllowCommandEndgame = { -- darkrp_endgame command, for debug make next checkpoint to finishline, empty table this for allow everyone
	"steam:11000010971396e", -- steamID64 (Hex)
	"steam:11000010572b40c", -- steamID64 (Hex)

Config.Game.AntiKnockedOffVehicle = true -- while vehicle is hit hard and the player will be knocked off.
Config.Game.RaceStartBoost = true -- Race start with turbo.
Config.Game.LoadMapTimeout = 60 -- If the player load map for more than X seconds player will be kicked out of race, set to 0 for disable. (Seconds)
Config.Game.ScaleformRequestTimeout = 1000 -- Request scaleform timeout if not loaded. (Millisecond)

Config.Game.HUD.HideUI = false
Config.Game.HUD.PaddingBottom = 0.0 -- If race HUD overlap other script HUD, try increase this value.
Config.Game.HUD.PaddingRight = 0.0 -- If race HUD overlap other script HUD, try increase this value.
Config.Game.HUD.RankPaddingBottom = 0.0 -- If race rack display HUD overlap, try increase this value.
Config.Game.HUD.RankFont = 4 -- Font of rank display HUD.
Config.Game.HUD.Speedo.Metric = not IsDuplicityVersion() and ShouldUseMetricMeasurements() or false -- Speedometer MPH, KPH, "" to disable speedometer.
Config.Game.HUD.Speedo.Font = 4 -- Font of Speedometer HUD.
-- Example:
Config.Game.Scoreboard.LeftTextFormat = "player_name" -- Default Z scoreboard display text format left.
Config.Game.Scoreboard.RightTextFormat = "player_timediff + string_space + ~y~ + player_checkpoint + / + player_totalcheckpoint" -- Default Z scoreboard display text format right.

--[[ Create race menu]]--
Config.Menu.KeepLobbyAlive = true -- Keep Lobby Alive setting in race menu.
Config.Menu.DefaultRadio = "RANDOM" -- RANDOM, OFF
Config.Menu.GettingVehicleNoClassLimit = false -- Allow use any class getting in the own vehicle before the lobby starts.

Config.Menu.PersonalVehicleMenu.Enable = true -- Allow player can user Personal Vehicle Menu to select vehicle for race, disable it for only use player sitting vehicle before the lobby starts.
Config.Menu.PersonalVehicleMenu.Customize = true -- Allow player can user Personal Vehicle Menu customize selected vehicle such as upgrade changeing part.
Config.Menu.PersonalVehicleMenu.Vstancer = true -- Enable Personal Vehicle wheels Track Width, Camber
Config.Menu.PersonalVehicleMenu.ReadyCountdown = 30 -- Countdown timer of personal vehicle menu closeing when first player enter ready. (Second)

Config.Menu.Leaderboard.Enable = true -- Enable leaderboard in race menu.

Config.Menu.TabInfo.Enable = true -- Enable infomation in race menu.
Config.Menu.TabInfo.Data = { -- Racing menu infomation tab view
	"~BLIP_INFO_ICON~ ~h~DarkRP_Racing/config/config.lua > Config.Menu.TabInfo.Data~h~",
	"Blip ~BLIP_RACEFLAG~ ~BLIP_BASE_JUMP~ ~BLIP_TRIATHLON~", -- ( Change radar_ to blip_ )
	"You can add more table for next line unlimit.",
	"You can add more table for next line unlimit.",
	"You can add more table for next line unlimit.",

Config.Menu.BettingList = { -- For menu select betting price.
	1000, 10000, 30000, 50000,

-- Add hash of fixtures such as lamp posts and signs which will be removed from the world during the race.
Config.Game.RoadTrafficNSignProps = {

Config.Game.RankUpdateRefreshRate = 1000 -- ms, Rate send data to server for calculation of player rank position.
Config.Game.TextureVariant = math.random(0, 15) -- Color of stunt object //
Config.Game.ShowPlayerBlipName = true -- Display player blip and name on head.
Config.Game.MapLodDist = 1000 -- How far players to see map objects.
Config.Game.Player = {
	BlipScale = 0.7,
	GameDistance = 300.0, -- Distance for display name on head in race. 
	NormalDistance = 100.0, -- Default distance for display name on head after race end (Back to normal distance after racing). 

-- Config.EndScreen.XP : Display XP rank system on end screen.
-- Example is
local DarkRP_XP = exports["DarkRP_XP"]

-- Current XP in rank system.
Config.EndScreen.XP.GetXPBeforeGain = function(source)
	if GetResourceState("DarkRP_XP") == "started" then -- DarkRP_XP request.
		return DarkRP_XP:GetCurrentPlayerXP()
		return 0

-- Minimum XP of current rank.
Config.EndScreen.XP.GetMinLevelXP = function(source)
	if GetResourceState("DarkRP_XP") == "started" then -- DarkRP_XP request.
		return DarkRP_XP:GetXPCeilingForLevel(DarkRP_XP:GetCurrentPlayerLevel()-1)
		return 0

-- Maximum XP of current rank.
Config.EndScreen.XP.GetMaxLevelXP = function(source)
	if GetResourceState("DarkRP_XP") == "started" then -- DarkRP_XP request.
		return DarkRP_XP:GetXPCeilingForLevel(DarkRP_XP:GetCurrentPlayerLevel())
		return 0

-- Current rank.
Config.EndScreen.XP.GetCurrentRank = function(source)
	if GetResourceState("DarkRP_XP") == "started" then -- DarkRP_XP request.
		return DarkRP_XP:GetCurrentPlayerLevel()
		return 1

-- Rank next from current rank.
Config.EndScreen.XP.GetNextRank = function(source)
	if GetResourceState("DarkRP_XP") == "started" then -- DarkRP_XP request.
		return DarkRP_XP:GetCurrentPlayerLevel() + 1
		return 1

Config.EndScreen.Money = { -- Display money on end screen.
	topText = "",
	bottomText = "",
	rightHandStat = "",
	rightHandStatIcon = 3, --0 or 1 = checked, 2 = X, 3 = no icon
Config.EndScreen.ResultsPanelTime = 10 -- sec
Config.EndScreen.Animation = { -- TaskPlayAnim(dict, anim)
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_b@", "high_center_down"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_a@", "high_center"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_b@", "high_center_up"},
	{"anim@amb@casino@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", "med_center"},
	{"misschinese2_crystalmazemcs1_cs", "dance_loop_tao"},
	{"misschinese2_crystalmazemcs1_ig", "dance_loop_tao"},
	{"missfbi3_sniping", "dance_m_default"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", "med_center_up"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", "high_center"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", "high_center_up"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", "high_center_up"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub_island@dancers@beachdance@", "hi_idle_a_m03"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub_island@dancers@beachdance@", "hi_idle_a_m05"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub_island@dancers@beachdance@", "hi_idle_a_m02"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub_island@dancers@beachdance@", "hi_idle_b_f01"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub_island@dancers@club@", "hi_idle_a_f02"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub_island@dancers@club@", "hi_idle_b_m03"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub_island@dancers@club@", "hi_idle_d_f01"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", "low_center"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", "low_center_down"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@", "low_center"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@", "high_center"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@", "high_center_up"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_a@", "low_center"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@", "low_center_down"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_b@", "low_center"},
	{"rcmnigel1bnmt_1b", "dance_loop_tyler"},
	{"special_ped@mountain_dancer@monologue_3@monologue_3a", "mnt_dnc_buttwag"},
	{"move_clown@p_m_zero_idles@", "fidget_short_dance"},
	{"move_clown@p_m_two_idles@", "fidget_short_dance"},
	{"anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_podium@", "danceidle_hi_11_buttwiggle_b_laz"},
	{"timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a", "idle_a"},
	{"timetable@tracy@ig_8@idle_b", "idle_d"},
	{"anim@mp_player_intcelebrationfemale@the_woogie", "the_woogie"},
	{"anim@amb@casino@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@", "high_center"},

Config.Vehicle.PlateText = "DARKRP"
Config.Vehicle.ErrorModel = "bmx" -- If vehicle model in map file could not be found will be replaced with this. 
Config.Vehicle.Class = {
	Default vehicle by class if player no vehicle to play race.
	Player can use own vehicle by sit in vehicle before race starting.
	Try test you vehicle every map, because some may not be able to drive.
	Don't change class name.
	["Compacts"]= {"asbo", "blista", "brioso", "brioso2", "brioso3", "club", "dilettante", "dilettante2", "issi2", "issi3", "issi4", "issi5", "issi6", "kanjo", "panto", "prairie", "rhapsody", "weevil"},
	["Coupes"]= {"cogcabrio", "driftfr36", "eurosx32", "exemplar", "f620", "felon", "felon2", "fr36", "jackal", "kanjosj", "oracle", "oracle2", "postlude", "previon", "sentinel", "sentinel2", "windsor", "windsor2", "zion", "zion2"},
	["Cycles"]= {"bmx", "cruiser", "fixter", "inductor", "inductor2", "scorcher", "tribike", "tribike2", "tribike3"},
	["Emergency"]= {"ambulance", "fbi", "fbi2", "firetruk", "lguard", "pbus", "poldominator10", "poldorado", "polgauntlet", "polgreenwood", "police", "police2", "police3", "police4", "police5", "policeb", "policeold1", "policeold2", "policet", "policet3", "polimpaler5", "polimpaler6", "pranger", "riot", "riot2", "sheriff", "sheriff2"},
	["Industrial"]= {"bulldozer", "cutter", "dump", "flatbed", "guardian", "handler", "mixer", "mixer2", "rubble", "tiptruck", "tiptruck2"},
	--[[Custom Class]]--
	[GetTranslate("create_freeforall")] = GetTranslate("create_freeforall"), -- Comment this line if you want disable "Free for All" class.
	-- ["Custom Super 1"] = {"zentorno", "zorrusso"}, -- Make it table data to enable special menu (Yellow text). (Vehicle select, Random vehicle per lap)
	["Custom Super 2"] = "zentorno", -- Only 'zentorno' in this class.

Config.Image.Class = {
	["Motorcycles"] = "",
	["Muscle"] = "",
	["Sports"] = "",
	["Super"] = "",
	["Compacts"] = "",
	["Sports Classics"] = "",
	["Sedans"] = "",
	["Off-Road"] = "",
	["Suvs"] = "",
	["Coupes"] = "",
	["Cycles"] = "",
	["Custom Super"] = "",

Last updated