Config.HitMarker = true -- Enable hit marker.
Config.DamageIndicator = true -- Enable damage indicator.
Config.DamageSound = true -- Enable take damage sound.
Config.HitMarkerSound = true -- Enable hit marker sound.
Config.HitMarkerFontID = 7 -- Font of damage indicator number.
Config.HitMarkerPed = true -- Enable hit marker on ped target.
Config.HitMarkerVehicle = true -- Enable hit marker on vehicle target.
Config.HeadshotSound = 0.5 -- 0.0 - 1.0, Sound of headshot.
Config.HitSound = 0.2 -- 0.0 - 1.0, Sound of damage hit.
Config.ArmorSize = 4.0
Config.HealthSize = 4.0
Config.KillIconSize = 6.0
Config.DistanceSize = true -- Damage number size depends on distance
Config.ShowTime = 100 -- Time of display damage number and kill icon as milisec.
Config.KillIcon = "💀" -- Target dead icon.
Config.HudColor = {}
Config.HudColor.Armor = "~b~"
Config.HudColor.Health = "~r~"
Config.OnGetDamage = function(playerPed, isheadshot)
if isheadshot then
ApplyDamageToPed(playerPed, 50, true)
if GetPedArmour(playerPed) <= 0 then
ShakeGameplayCam('SMALL_EXPLOSION_SHAKE', 0.3)
Config.OnSendDamage = function(playerPed, tergetEntity, isheadshot)
Last updated